Help for people rough sleeping
If you, or someone you are supporting, is sleeping rough in the borough of Telford and Wrekin, it is important to make contact with the relevant support service as soon as possible.
The best time to access help is during daytime hours. A wider network of resources are accesbile during office house, such as rough sleeper support provided by KiP, as well as local partner organsiations and the Housing Solutions team at Telford & Wrekin Council.
However, there may be times where assistance is required outside of normal office hours and in times of emergency. Therefore, urgent response services are provided by the Local Authority and Maninplace.
Find help during office hours
Find help out-of-hours

Help during office hours
During normal office hours (Mon – Fri, 0900 – 1630), support and advice is available for people sleeping rough and can be accessed by visiting or contacting KiP, rough sleeper service.
NB: Last appointment time is 3pm.
KiP offer a variety of support resources to people rough sleeping or homeless, including:
- Registering an individual’s homelessness
- Referring to accommodation and support providers across the borough
- Advice and guidance relating to applicable housing need
- Assistance to acquire ID documents
- Assistance with application for a bank account
- Benefits advice and assistance to apply where applicable
- Access to laundry facilities
- Shower facilities
- Emergency food provision
- Hot drinks and meals (service demand and availability dependant)
- Safe space to meet with KiP support workers
- Clothing
KiP contact details
Wrekin Buildings
Tan Bank
Phone: 01952 924007
Housing Solutions – Telford & Wrekin Council contact details
If you are a couple or someone with children under the age of 16, who has/have become or is/are about to become homeless, you are advised to make contact with the Housing Solutions team at Telford & Wrekin Council who will be able to provide you with appropriate support based upon your needs.
Any person who has become homeless as a result of domestic abuse is also advised to make contact with Housing Solutions at the earliest opportunity.
Telford & Wrekin Council offices
Southwater One, Telford Town Centre
Civic Offices, Wellington, Telford
Phone: 01952 381925
Disabled facilities grants:
01952 916030 (new applications only)
01952 381855 (existing applications only)
Help outside of normal daytime hours
When it is not possible to make contact with daytime services such as KiP or Housing Solutions, you should call the phone number for the Housiing Solutions team. When their offices are closed, your call will be forwarded to an out of hours response team who will obtain details about your circumstances and needs.
If you are making an out of hours call, becuase you are rough sleeping, it may be necessary to verify your rough sleeping. Should this be required, you will be asked to provde details of your exact location which will be passed to the Outreach Team, who will visit you within a few hours.
After your rough sleeping has been verified, a referral may be made to Maninplace for access to emergency accommodation, should spaces be available. The out of hours team will forward detais about you to Maninplace staff, who will contact you to provide details of when and where to attend for access to a night-by-night bed space.

Contact can be made with Maninlpace if you require advice or guidance regarding your homelessness by calling:
01952 248248
Lines are open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.