How you can help

The work of supporting people who are homeless or face the harsh environment of rough sleeping, is greatly enhanced by the generosity of the general public, local schools, churches, community groups and businesses across the borough of Telford and Wrekin.
With your help, we can offer far more than a safe bed and a warm welcome at the door.
For many who use our services, the opportunity to eat a hot meal may be one not enjoyed that often. Being able to have a shower and freshen up could be challenging, particularly while rough sleeping. Others will arrive with little more than the clothing they are wearing that day.
So, how can you help?
- Donate online – read more.
- Bedding sets – read more.
- Hygiene kits – read more.
- Food items – read more.
Give a financial gift
If your time is short and you are unable to make a shopping trip to purchase some of the items we often use, perhaps you could consider giving a gift of money.
We will use your gift to support our customers with some of the items mentioned above, or to provide access to public transport, assistance with acquiring essential identity documents, helping to cover the costs of utility services, or for those who are unable to access welfare benefit support, it could help cover the costs of providing emergency accommodation overnight.
Every penny received will go directly to providing all the additional support resources our customers may so desperately need.
To give a gift of money, please use the online donate widget below.
Gift a bedding set
Whenever possible, we aim to provide customers accessing our emergency accommodation with a brand new bedding set. These will include single sized bedding items as follows:
- A pillow
- Pillow cases
- Duvet
- Duvet cover
- Fitted sheet
We’re often asked if used bedding can be of use to our service. Any offers of support are greatly appreciated, but the management of used items is far greater than we are able to resource. Such items are often significantly worn and damaged or require heavy laundering, they also take larger amounts of storage space which we do not have.
But aside from this, gifting a bedding set is often the first steps to building the self-esteem of vulnerable people who have so little of their own possessions. Having new bedding they can with them when they depart our emergency accommodation will be the start of building a new home for the future.
In addition to the above, will be the need to have stock of:
- single fitted mattress protectors
- hand towels
- bath towels
- face clothes
- bath mats
With the current high demand for support and emergency accommodation, these items will often have a shortened shelf life to those used within the normal home.
To donate a gift of bedding
To give a bedding set or individual beddings items, you can drop your gifts to our central offices at:
Unit 7, Hollinswood Court
Stafford Park 1,
TF3 3DE,
Our offices are open to the public between the hours of 9am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, you can send us a gift card for retailers such as Amazon, Asda, Tesco, Argos, etc, and our team will purchase the gifts on your behalf.
Hygiene Kits
Many people who are experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping will have limited access to bathing facilities, or general personal hygiene products. Limited funds to support general living cots may prevent some people from having the ability to purchase hygiene products, this can include feminine hygiene items, impacting the dignity of our female guest.
We aim to hold a supply of male and female products, in order for people to have a shower when they arrive at our emergency accommodation. You can help support us by purchasing personal hygiene items such as the ones listed below:
- Shower gel
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Comb & hairbrush
- Shaving foam/gel
- Disposable razors (men & women)
- Deodorant (aerosol or roll-on)
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Mouthwash
- Dental floss
To donate hygiene kits
To give a gift of personal hygiene items, you can bring your donations to our central offices at:
Unit 7, Hollinswood Court
Stafford Park 1,
TF3 3DE,
Our offices are open to the public between the hours of 9am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, you can send us a gift card for retailers such as Amazon, Asda, Tesco, Argos, etc, and our team will purchase the gifts on your behalf.
Food items
Street living, or residing in someone else’s accommodation, does not guarantee access to quality and nutritious meals. Many individuals living in a homeless circumstance will often face hunger and can experience malnutrition.
When we have supplies available to us, Maninplace staff will ask people arriving for emergency accommodation about the last time they had access to a full meal, and what kind of diet they are experiencing, and will work to offer a hot meal using the donations we receive. For some, there maybe additional need for assistance with learning about a healthy meal and how to cook it.
Your donations of food items will help us provide the ingredients for a balanced and nutritious meal, helping to improve the health and wellbeing of our customers.
Below is a list of just some of the food items you could consider giving as part of your donation:
- Breakfast cereals
- Porridge oats
- Pot Noodles
- UHT Milk
- Coffee
- Tea
- Hot chocolate
- Sugar
- Tinned meat meals
- Packet savoury rice
- Packet pasta & sauce
- Tinned deserts
- Tinned fish
- Bread
- Milk
- Butter
- Pasta sauces
- Curry sauces
- Snack Pots
- Packet Noodles
- Jans & marmalades
- Snack items
- Crisps
- Chocolates & biscuits
To donate food items
To donate any of the above food items, please bring your donations to our central offices at:
Unit 7, Hollinswood Court
Stafford Park 1,
TF3 3DE,
Our offices are open to the public between the hours of 9am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, you can send us a gift card for retailers such as Amazon, Asda, Tesco, Argos, etc, and our team will purchase the gifts on your behalf.